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诚挚欢迎上海破产案件自然人管理人胡玥律师加入申浩 | 分工交换 彼此成就




分工交换 彼此成就:申浩律师事务所不断发展,广纳优秀人才,持续关注人才队伍建设,不断强化申浩整体核心竞争力。近日,申浩迎来合伙人胡玥律师(上海十名破产案件自然人管理人之一)及其律师团队加入,将进一步强化破产专业领域的业务实力。




Mr. Hu Yue (Catter) specializes in the liquidation and rehabilitation of commercial entities, providing a range of related services. His expertise includes acting as an insolvency administrator in bankruptcy liquidation, restructuring, and settlement cases. He also serves as a liquidator in compulsory liquidation cases or self-liquidation of enterprises. Additionally, Mr. Hu offers clients assistance with insolvency and debt restructuring planning, non-performing assets investment legal services, and representation as an attorney in insolvency, compulsory liquidation, centralized liquidation of personal debts, and other related legal proceedings.




With more than ten years of experience in the field of commercial entity exit and revitalization, Mr. Hu has successfully handled a diverse portfolio of over one hundred cases involving insolvency, compulsory liquidation, and non-litigation liquidation. Notably, he has acted as an insolvency administrator in prominent cases such as the Shanghai Xinkui Xinmiao Industry Co., Ltd. settlement, recognized as one of the "Typical Cases" by the Shanghai Bankruptcy Tribunal. He has also been involved in the restructuring of Shanghai Huaxiang Light Source Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Rupu Zhaohua Steel Fabrication Co., Ltd., which have gained high regard within the industry. In addition to his role as an insolvency administrator, Mr. Hu has participated in influential insolvency cases, including the restructuring case of HNA Group, the insolvency cases of Jiangsu Ante Auto, Anji Zhuyi Real Estate, Sinostride Technology, Shenhuaxin, Zhejiang Feiteng Landscape Architecture, and Shanghai Dewei Hardware Product.


胡玥律师还被列入上海市高级人民法院企业破产案件管理人名册,为入册十名自然人管理人之一。同时,其现任上海市破产管理人协会强制清算业务研究委员会主任,业务培训与对外交流委员会、财务管理与会员服务委员会委员,个人会员,山东省破产管理人协会个人会员,安徽省破产管理人协会会员,INSOL International会员,上海市注册会计师协会非执业会员。


Hu is one of just ten individuals listed in the Shanghai Superior People's Court Enterprise Insolvency Cases Administrators Register. He is also an Individual Member of the Shanghai Association of Bankruptcy Administrators, where he currently serves as the Director of the Compulsory Liquidation Practice Research Committee and a member of the Practice Training and External Communication Committee. Additionally, he is affiliated with the Financial Management and Member Service Committee of the Association. Hu is also a member of the Shandong Association of Bankruptcy Administrators, the Anhui Association of Bankruptcy Administrators, INSOL International, and a non-practicing member of the Shanghai Institute of Certified Public Accountants.




After graduating from Fudan University's School of International Relations and Public Affairs with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Science, Mr. Hu obtained a Juris Master Degree from Fudan University's School of Law and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Hong Kong. Additionally, Mr. Hu played a leading role in the compilation of several important documents, including the "Guidelines for Liquidators in Compulsory Liquidation Cases (for Trial Implementation)" for the Shanghai Association of Bankruptcy Administrators. He also participated in the compilation of the "Operational Guidelines for Attorneys Undertaking Application for Insolvency Proceedings" for the Shanghai Lawyers' Bar Association, the "Guidelines for Bankruptcy Administrators (for Trial Implementation)" for the Shanghai Association of Bankruptcy Administrators, and contributed to the draft of the "Proposal Draft for the Revision of the Law of Enterprise Bankruptcy" as part of the Shanghai Delegation to the Thirteenth National People's Congress.


2022-2023年,申浩律所连续两年荣登国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)《钱伯斯大中华区法律指南》(Chambers Greater China Region)公司/商事业务领域榜单。

2022-2023年,申浩律所连续两年荣登全球知名法律杂志《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business, ALB)《2022 ALB China 知识产权业务排名》(2022 ALB China IP Rankings)著作权/商标业务领域榜单。2021-2022年,申浩律所连续两年荣登ALB "中国十五佳成长律所"(ALB China Fastest Growing Firms)榜单。

申浩律所荣登国际知名法律媒体《商法》(China Business Law Journal)2022年度卓越律所大奖“备受关注律所”榜单、2023年度卓越律所大奖“国际贸易”领域榜单。

2022年,申浩律所荣登《The Legal 500》2023年度亚太地区中国法域榜单。

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